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Vic the Bruiser

Name: Vic the Bruiser

Height: 5'6"

Weight: 280 Lbs. Of Unholy Terror

Hometown: South Side Of Chicago

Theme Music: 1. Buzz Osbourne - God Of Thunder

2. Black Label Society - Fire It Up

3. KISS - War Machine

Finishing Move[s]: The Sky High and Vic Valley Driver

Favorite Wrestlers Growing Up: "Hot Stuff" Eddie Gilbert, Jerry "The King" Lawler, and "Macho Man" Randy Savage

Favorite Wrestlers Today: C.M. Punk and Triple H

Favorite Opponent: That's A 3 Way Tie:

1."Real SeXXXy" Chet Robbins

2."Double R Superstar" Randy Royal

3.Simon Sezz

Toughest Opponent: That's A 2 Way Tie:

1. Real SeXXXy" Chet Robbins

2."Double R Superstar" Randy Royal

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